10:05 - Put each of them in their beds on their tummies with multiple pacis & their lovies. Send a couple emails. Put laundry in dryer.
10:10 - Replace pacis, flip them back onto their tummies, pat on backs. Begin making tortilla soup for me & my cousin, who is coming over, to have for lunch.
10:20 - Mal is pretty sleepy; put her paci in & leave her on her back as is. Jake is still screaming; give him his paci & leave him on his back to see if he'll fall asleep that way. Finish making soup.
10:35 - Mal is sleeping & Jake is screaming intermittently. Flip him back to his tummy to try it that way one more time. Decide to go ahead & take a shower since that can be accomplished in less than fifteen minutes.
10:50 - Mal is fast asleep. Jake's cries are off & on. Give him his paci & lovie. Prop him sort of on his side against the bumper to see if that tickles his fancy. Get dressed, do makeup & make bed.
11:00 - Jake is passed out. (FINALLY!) Mal begins talking to her lamb. Fix hair.
11:05 - Mal is now crying. Give her a paci to see if she'll quiet back down. She giggles at me.
11:10 - Get the now screaming Mal up since Jake is now getting some rest & they normally eat at 11:30 anyway. She giggles all the way down the hall.
Surely not these two rascals!
1 comment:
So when exactly did the actual "Nap" happen...I guess I missed that part.
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