Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Penguins, Tigers & Oh No!
Justin has been out of town a lot lately for work, so my mom planned to come down for a couple of days this week to give me a break. I decided it would be the perfect time to head to the zoo since I had an extra pair of hands. Mal had come down with a stomach bug in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, but after a day full of napping, she was back to normal & ready to go.
Excited to be at the zoo!
Pretty parrots that Mal found
Showing me how they measure up to the penguins
Playing in the children's zoo area

Little man along for the fun
Unfortunately, our zoo trip took a turn for the worse during lunch time when the stomach bug chose Jake as its next victim. Yes, I got the pleasure of being the mom who has to inform someone that her son has just gotten sick all over the patio & that it needs to be cleaned up. I then got to wheel him out of the zoo shirtless since he'd soaked his shirt. I was very thankful that we made it home before his next episode!
J set up his iPad in the kitchen so Jake could watch movies while staying on the tile floor. We tried to convince him to lay on the pallet we'd made, but he preferred the cold tile. How pitiful is that?
That nasty stomach bug quickly claimed me as well that day, & then took Justin last night. We're all feeling better now & are hoping we've seen the last of this illness. Hopefully our next zoo trip will turn out much better, & we'll actually get to see all of the animals!
Jake & Mal helping Daddy rest & recover today
Sweet kids, feeling much better
This little cutie is the last man standing, so to speak, & we're praying that this one passes him by. He's way too little to be that sick!
Excited to be at the zoo!
J set up his iPad in the kitchen so Jake could watch movies while staying on the tile floor. We tried to convince him to lay on the pallet we'd made, but he preferred the cold tile. How pitiful is that?
Jake & Mal helping Daddy rest & recover today
Monday, May 23, 2011
School's Out for SUMMER!
Jake & Mallory are officially on summer vacation! They finished up a great first year of Sunshine School on Thursday. This Mommy will definitely be missing those extra hours to get errands done, but I'm excited about doing some fun summer things with them as well.
Their spring program was Monday night & had a picnic theme. The two-year-old classes were picnic tables & looked so cute with their little watermelon slices on their heads. Jake loved his costume & kept it on for the open house & ice cream reception that followed the program. Here's my sweet boy cheesing with his awesome teacher, Mrs. Nicole.
Mal had a slightly different opinion of her costume, to say the least. Five minutes before the program began, she threw a fit about having to wear the watermelon hat & ended up having a potty accident. Those emotions are hard to control! After J ran to the car to get her back-up pair of pants, she cried through their portion of the performance, barefoot & in mismatched pants. Poor, dramatic girl! As soon as their group left the stage, one of the directors brought her to me & she spent the rest of the program cuddled in my lap. Maybe next year!

Our sweet friend Brooke & her pre-K class were ants. Love those antennae!
We opted to wait until Thursday for Mal's picture with Mrs. Nicole. Much better!
Of course, Jake needed another one too! These two are going to miss seeing Mrs. Nicole twice a week. Good thing we'll still see her at church!
This was my baby girl on her first day of school...
and here she is on the last day. I can't believe how big she's getting!
Jake's first day picture doesn't even look like the same kid to me. Look at those baby curls!
My big boy can't stand still long enough for Mommy to get one with a good smile. Instead, here's the "ch" of "cheese."
Maybe I won't start my countdown to September 8th just yet. :)
Their spring program was Monday night & had a picnic theme. The two-year-old classes were picnic tables & looked so cute with their little watermelon slices on their heads. Jake loved his costume & kept it on for the open house & ice cream reception that followed the program. Here's my sweet boy cheesing with his awesome teacher, Mrs. Nicole.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Beau Harrison at 2 Months
Beau had his 2-month check up this morning & has some impressive stats to share with all of his loyal fans!
Weight: 11 lb 13 oz (40%)
Height: 23.25 inches (60%)
Head: 16 inches (90%)
In other 2-month news, Beau is quickly outgrowing his 0-3 & 3 month clothes & will be moving up soon. He's also about to graduate to size 2 diapers. At night, he usually has one long stretch of 6-7 hours between his bedtime feeding & the next one. Then he sleeps another 3-4 hours before beginning his day. Naps haven't really been on a consistent schedule up to this point, mainly due to his day depending a lot on what Jake & Mal are doing. I'm working on getting him to sleep in his bed for an afternoon nap so that I (hopefully) have some time with all three of them asleep in their rooms.
As mentioned in an earlier post, our little man has rolled over from tummy to back once but hasn't chosen to show off that skill again. He does love his tummy time, though, so he gets lots of practice strengthening his muscles.
My sweet boy has become quite the smiley boy & loves to give me big grins & giggles. He's also starting to think that his big brother & sister are pretty funny. However, when the doctor asked him to give a big smile today, he instead offered a truly pitiful pout. I think he learned how to be dramatic from Mallory!
Beau has started to use his Bumbo seat a bit & seems to like sitting up to see Mommy, but only for a few minutes at a time. He also loves his play mats, bouncy seat & small swing. He didn't really take to the big swing, so we returned the one we'd borrowed.

We love our little man & are enjoying him so much! What a blessing to our family!
Height: 23.25 inches (60%)
Head: 16 inches (90%)
What a big boy he's getting to be! Does that really say 60% on height? He may be the only tall member of the Chamblee family. Beau had to get three shots today, which made him very sad, but he got an excellent report from Dr. Denison.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
On a Roll
My baby boy rolled over for the first time on Sunday! I put him down on a blanket for some tummy time while J & I were cleaning up the kitchen & making lunches Sunday evening. A few minutes later, Justin said, "Did you put him on his tummy?" I answered yes & then peeked over into the living room to see that sweet face looking up at me as he was lying on his back. He seemed awfully proud of himself but hasn't repeated the feat yet. I'm sure he'll be a pro in no time!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Under the Sea
*Beau turned two months old yesterday, but his check-up isn't until next Thursday, so I'll hold off on posting his pics in the hippo chair until I have stats to go with them.
We had a fun play date this morning at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park. Miranda, thanks for recommending this! Our friends, Caroline & Colby, & their mommies came along. I ended up buying a year-long pass because it's only $20 for me. The kids are still free until August since they're under three, so I plan to get the good out of it this summer when it's too hot to do anything outdoors.
All of the big kids enjoyed seeing white alligators...
eels & fish...
turtles & lots more!
Mal was very brave & wanted to touch everything in the hands-on tanks, while Jake kept his distance.

The little boys, Ty & Beau, were very well behaved in their strollers.
I was disappointed that the kids didn't get to actually see the octopus. It must have been off duty today, but they had fun playing on the octopus arms.
Stingray Bay was a big hit for all!

We rounded out our morning with lunch & play time at Chick Fil-A. If anyone wants to join us next time, just let me know. We'll be going often since we have a pass.
We had a fun play date this morning at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park. Miranda, thanks for recommending this! Our friends, Caroline & Colby, & their mommies came along. I ended up buying a year-long pass because it's only $20 for me. The kids are still free until August since they're under three, so I plan to get the good out of it this summer when it's too hot to do anything outdoors.
All of the big kids enjoyed seeing white alligators...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Play Time & A Picnic
On Friday, we enjoyed a fun morning at the Arboretum with our friends, Carrie & Emmie. Jake & Mal had fun running around & playing in the frontier houses, but it was a popular field trip day for schools, so there were a few too many big kids for my liking. It makes it way too hard to keep track of my little ones!
They agreed to pose on this little bench for me but were apparently distracted by something over to my left.
I still think of Emmie as a baby, but she is getting to be such a big girl.
Picnic time!
Beau chilled out in the stroller while we ate. He's such a good sport.
Thanks for joining us, friends. We enjoyed it!
They agreed to pose on this little bench for me but were apparently distracted by something over to my left.
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