Sunday, January 18, 2009


I just realized, 10 days late, that my cousin Amy tagged me on her blog. Sorry Amy!

Q. five names you go by:
Fat Al (only to D'Lynn)
Chachi (J's choice of nickname for me...just because it makes no sense)

Q. three things you are wearing right now:
my favorite jeans
a shirt with no spit up or drool on it (the kids are asleep & I just changed)
the earrings J gave me for my 19th birthday

Q. two things you want very badly at the moment:
a cleaning fairy
a it

Q. two things you did last night:
bathed Mallory (don't worry, J bathed Jake)
watched the second National Treasure movie

Q. two things you ate today:
Grandma's orange rolls for breakfast
a snickerdoodle (the aforementioned cookie)

Q. two people you last talked to on the phone:

Q. two things you are going to do tomorrow:
shopping with Hattie
clean my bathroom

Q. two longest car rides:
My family drove to Montana in a motorhome when I was 16 for a family reunion.
We often went to northern California where my mom is from to see family.

Q. two of your favorite beverages:
sweet tea
Dr. Pepper

Q. the people you’d like to tag for their very own


Sarah said...

I guess Riley isn't going to get me out of this tag since you have two kids and you managed to get it done! Thanks!!

Amy McCown said...

Cuteness. All of their little outfits are so cute. Wes put Layton's outfit on backwards once and I did not figure it out until we were at church. We had a good laugh about it.

AmyB said...

I'm really not offended by the tardiness, or even you skipped it entirely :)

Newberry said...

It's a monumental moment when you get to experience 8 hrs. of uninterrupted sleep after having a baby. Yea for you and for Mal!