Sunday, January 18, 2009

Five Months Old!

Wow - five months! I can't believe how fast they're growing up! Here are my little entertainers with Mr. Bear. These adorable panda outfits are courtesy of Nana. You can't see it, but the jeans have pandas on the bottom of one leg, & they also have panda socks. Miss Mal now weighs 12 lb 13 oz. She has really developed a big personality lately, & it is so much fun to watch. She is constantly laughing & smiling, & she almost never stops "talking!" Her highs are very high, but her lows are also VERY low, & she can turn on the tears in an instant. She is having a little trouble right now with the early morning hours. Around 4:30 or 5:00, she cries out for her paci & isn't easily consoled. She will only go back to sleep, after much crying, with one of us holding her. If anyone has any magic tricks, I'm all ears. I've considered letting her cry it out for at least a few minutes, but I'm always worried about her waking Jake up. All in all, she is a very spunky, fun little girl, & we love her very much!

Her favorite trick: scooting out of the chair when you try to get her to pose.
Jake weighs 13 lb 13 oz at five months old. He is a DROOL MACHINE & loves to blow bubbles. Jake has become our star sleeper & usually doesn't need much if any attention between bedtime & morning. He is quite a stout little fellow, & we think he'll probably walk before his sister because he is just so sturdy. He doesn't talk quite as much as Mal, but that could be because it's hard to get a word in edgewise. I get sweet grins from him all day long, & he loves to shriek with joy as he plays. Lately, he is cracking me up with funny new faces each day, & we love him so much.

Here are some recent pics: Dressed up for church a couple of Sundays ago. I just love these pants on Jake!
J propped them up in their cribs to get these shots. I had trouble just picking one of Jake because he was displaying lots of funny expressions. Here's his best fish face.
Excited girl!
Daddy dressed Mal the other day, & it took me a minute to figure out why her outfit looked funny. If you look closely, you'll see that it's on backward.
These decorative buttons go in the front, Daddy! J noticed that the feet seemed to fit awkwardly, but he didn't inspect it long enough to figure out why.
Blowing bubbles in his bumbo
This was before heading to the grocery store last week. Babies in hoods crack me up!
Sweet boy enjoying his activity gym
Mal has figured out how to bounce in the Jumperoo & thinks it is very exciting!
Here's a sampling of Jake's talking, complete with bubble blowing & spitting sounds. Such a boy!

After taking this video, I think I might have a career in stand up comedy. All of my audiences would have to be under one year old, but oh well.

Have a wonderful week!


Molly Woodall said...

Baby laughs are the best medicine in the world! You CAN NOT be in a bad mood after listening to those precious giggles
Enjoy them Mommy and Daddy!

Miranda said...

They are getting so big! And I love your comedy routine!

AmyB said...

Oh my goodness, they have the best laughs ever!