- Both babies have such huge grins that they let me see so often. They're usually really happy when they first wake up in the mornings, so that's a fun time for us to play while I kill time until they're supposed to eat breakfast.
- Jake continues to be our little socialite. He gives his best grins when he's trying to get someone's attention, & he's a very happy baby as long as he is the focus.
- Mal seems to be a little more reserved when we're in public than she is at home. Everyone always tells me she's so serious, but she's really not when we're home playing.
- Mal has become quite the talker. When this girl learns actual words, we're never going to be able to get her to hush. She sometimes pauses during a feeding to tell me a story & refuses to eat more until she's finished telling me all that she has to say.
- Jake's newest trick is a high-pitched shriek when he's really excited. He tried it out for the first time in church Sunday night. We may be spending many services in the foyer!
- Mal is our wiggle worm, & has learned how to scoot her little hiney forward when she's tired of sitting somewhere.
- We're in 3-6 month clothes for the most part now.
- They're really starting to notice one another lately. They still don't actually play with each other, but they're much more content to play when the other is around than when they're on a blanket by themselves.
Jake's stats:
- Weight: 13 lb 3 oz (20%)
- Height: 23 1/2 inches (5%)
- Head: 16 1/2 inches (40%)
- Weight: 11 lb 15 oz (15%)
- Height: 23 1/2 inches (25%)
- Head: 16 inches (40%)
Very cute pictures!
Happy 4 month birthday to the twins! They are such dolls. Chad loved your cookies, by the way!
Seriously precious, what kind of camera did you get?
Oh my goodness, I always laugh out loud at your pictures. I love the one where it looks like Mallory just pinched Jake, made him cry, and is laughing about it! Some great smiles and rolls in there too :)
cutie pies! can't wait to see them in person!
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