We had a slightly chaotic but very happy Easter at our house. I'm beginning to realize that pretty much every day for the foreseeable future will be slightly chaotic around here!
On Thursday, Jake & Mal got to hunt Easter eggs at school & brought home lots of loot. They literally spent hours going through their goodies over & over again, trading eggs & candy, sorting eggs & asking me what each kind of candy was.

Nana & Papa came down on Saturday, & we had fun dyeing hard boiled eggs. We did this last year as well, but the kids were much more into it & could do more on their own this time.

Sunday morning, baskets full of goodies awaited Jake, Mallory & Beau! I know Beau is too young to care, but I didn't want to leave him out. His goodies were fewer & more practical.

Pure joy at discovering Toy Story 3 in his basket

Mal was very excited about her new Toy Story & Cars panties.

Much bribery & silliness was required to get this picture of the three of them before church. The professional pictures I had done at the Arboretum this year did not turn out well, so this is it!

What a cute little Easter surprise!

Our best attempt at a family pic

After church, the
Fowlers joined us for Easter lunch.

We filled our plates with ham, sweet & sour green beans, roasted red potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, rolls & a fabulous chocolate pie that Hattie made. Yum!

I made a strawberry bunny cake for Jake & Mal, which they've enjoyed eating leftovers of all week.

Then it was egg hunt time!

Charlotte let the big kids do the heavy lifting & was content to sit & play with a couple of eggs.

A new favorite pic of Jake

Beau was there too!

We had a wonderful Easter celebrating our risen Lord! The kids have gotten pretty good at telling me why we celebrate Easter. Mal says, "Jesus dove on the cross, and... He's Alive!"
Hmm, that's pretty close. I told her that he didn't "dive," he "died." She said, "No, he dove." Hard to reason with a stubborn two-year-old!