We have a new kind of pacifier game at our house, & it is much more fun than the old game (replacing the pacifiers over & over to try to get them to fall asleep)! Enjoy the giggles!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Peas in a Pod
My friend Marla made these adorable onesies for the twins. Aren't they cute? Check out her website for all kinds of fun monogrammed items at www.sweetpandmedesigns.com. Thanks Marla!
The babies & I are headed to Paris in the morning to spend the week with my parents. J has to go to Oklahoma City for work, & then he'll join us Tuesday night. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Weekend with Mimi & Pops
Mimi & Pops (J's parents) came to visit last weekend, & we had so much fun! Pops is here every few weeks for work, so we see him fairly regularly, but Mimi hadn't seen the twins since they were a week and a half old. Needless to say, she was VERY excited to see them when she arrived. Can you tell?

We ordered pizza Friday night because her plane didn't get in until around dinner time. It was hilarious to watch Gary, Karen & J all standing to eat their pizza just to make sure they didn't miss a moment of Jake & Mallory. I love my kids, but I see them all day long, so I was fine with actually sitting to enjoy my dinner. Pops had fun making Jake laugh.

Sweet kids cuddling on Saturday morning
We were out & about for a while on Saturday afternoon, so we bundled the kiddos up in their little track suits to make sure they stayed warm. I just love hoods on babies!

Mimi got lots of cuddle time in over the weekend, especially with Mal, who loves to be a cuddlebug.
Again, Jake thinks Pops is very interesting.
Before church on Sunday
Chillin' out before they had to leave that afternoon
Mimi & Pops, thanks so much for coming to visit! We had a great time & can't wait to see you again soon!
This video was from sometime last week, but I'll go ahead & throw it in this post. Mallory is discovering that peekaboo is a fun game.
Sweet kids cuddling on Saturday morning
This video was from sometime last week, but I'll go ahead & throw it in this post. Mallory is discovering that peekaboo is a fun game.
Gardening with Mommy
These pictures are several weeks old now, but they're cute, so I wanted to share them anyway. J was sweet enough to help me plant the pansies that I bought in our front flower beds, so the twins got to join in the fun, too. They were originally napping inside, & we just brought a monitor with us, but that didn't last long. It was a gorgeous day, so we let them lay on a blanket on the yard & play, which they loved. Enjoy the cuties!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Remember that cute outfit from my last post with ruffles on the hiney? Well, Mallory decided when she wore it on Sunday that it needed some extra decoration. J was holding Jake on his chest while he watched football, so I set Mal in his other arm while I went to do something. When I came back into the den, he said he thought he smelled something & asked me to check her diaper. One sniff confirmed that there was indeed something toxic in there, so I picked her up to go change her. As I did so, we quickly realized that the ridiculously large amount of poo in that diaper had traveled up her back & soaked through her onesie & her shirt & was also all over J's shirt. A bath was clearly the only way to handle this mess, so to the sink we went!
She was rather angry with us for having her in the cold metal sink while we tried to remove the toxic diaper.
Finally, a clean girl once again. This is her innocent, "I don't know who made that big mess!" face.
Jake didn't like being left out, so he treated me to an equally disgusting blowout yesterday. Since I was here by myself, he didn't get a bath, but I had to use about a million wipes & do a load of laundry. Also because I was along, there are no pictures of his event. If they would just become more "regular," I don't think we'd have this problem quite so often, but their new trick is to hold it in for a few days before treating me to a surprise. Yuck!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Three Months Old!
The twins turned three months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast they're growing! We haven't been to the pediatrician in several weeks, so we tried to estimate their weights by just holding them on the scale with us. Jake is now about 12.5 pounds.
Mallory is our dainty little lady at about 11 pounds.

Ready to go to Ladies' Bible Class
Sitting up is hard work, so Jake had to take a rest.
Sweet kids in their bumbos

Heading to church last week
My mom's co-worker, Jill, gave them these outfits, & I love them! Mal's has ruffles on her hiney! We were heading to story time at the children's library at Northpark. Jake actually had fun watching the lady do motions to the songs & books, but Mal had an attitude that morning, so she just decided to fall asleep.
Another Ladies' Bible Class morning
Sweet cuddlers
We have now moved up to size 1 diapers for both babies. They can still wear some newborn clothes, but have started moving up to 0-3 month sizes.
- Both kids smile & laugh so much now. It is so fun when they're in good moods & will play with us.
- Mallory loves to get zerberts on her belly & play peekaboo with a blanket.
- Jake is our little ham & loves to capture everyone's attention. Even when I'm talking to Mal, he tries to grin & laugh to get my attention back on him.
- Both kids are very good sleepers. They go at least 6 hours between their bedtime feeding & the next one. We're starting to do 7 hour stretches pretty frequently & have had a handful that are longer than that.
- We've started using bumbo seats & their exersaucer. They're pretty good at the bumbo seats as long as they're not tired, but they're too small for the exersaucer, so we have to prop them up in it with a blanket.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Time Flies
Six years ago today, J & I went on our first date. We met through my friend Sarah & his friend Jon when I was a freshman & he was a senior at ACU. For our first date, J took me to Outback Steakhouse & then back to the house he shared with three other guys for dessert. He made several desserts himself because he was worried that if he made only one, it might be something I didn't like. Dessert is definitely the way to my heart, so that was a great start! I actually have a picture of us on our first date, but it was before the days of digital cameras, so it's not on the computer. I'm very sad that my scanner isn't working properly, so that pic isn't making the post. I have included one from when we were engaged, though, which was my sophomore year. Don't we look young?
After one date with Justin, I was head over heels & even told Sarah that I was going to marry that boy. I still can't believe that I was blessed enough to do just that. Our lives have changed dramatically over the past six years, & it has been such a fairy tale.
Sweetheart, I love you so much. Thanks for six great years. I can't wait to see what the next six hold!
Sweetheart, I love you so much. Thanks for six great years. I can't wait to see what the next six hold!
Hook 'Em
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