Thursday, October 30, 2008
Cute Little Things
Since we've been married, Halloween has become one of my favorite holidays because we actually have friends who like to dress up! Every year, our small group has a costume party, & it's always tons of fun. This year, I had two willing subjects who agreed to dress up as whatever I chose. (Okay, they actually may resent me when they're older, but they sure were cute!) So, here are Thing 1 (Jake) & Thing 2 (Mallory). Kathy came over on Tuesday to help me figure out the rest of their costumes & brought these dolls that she had gotten when she bought the book, so we had to get a picture with them.
Here's our trio. We were very sad that J couldn't join us for the event. He was stuck in Oklahoma City for work, so this is the first year he's had to miss the party.
Zack & Tami threw a great party, & everyone went all out for their costumes this year. Jonathan, Jill, & their "little monster" Mason:
Philip (a Christmas tree) & Paige
Haylee was flying solo like I was, but her costume ended up fitting in nicely with Garrett & Amy (Meredith Grey & McDreamy).

Sparky was looking tough in his football uniform with Coach Sarah by his side. Isn't Riley the cutest scarecrow you've ever seen?
Zack, Tami & their cute little ladybug, Kate:
Jacob & Jenn were a hair stylist & his client. See the curling iron in his pocket? He may need to keep his day job, but the costumes looked great.
Mark & Hattie were Olympic champions Michael Phelps & Nastia Luken. Notice Mark's eight gold medals.
In our small group, there's always great food!
My creation, a jack-o-lantern cheese ball:
Here are some random shots I got throughout the night.
All the kiddos

Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
All's Well
Just an update for anyone who felt sorry for me after the last post. Eighteen ended up being the total number of pacifiers replaced, & they slept really well for me, so it all ended well. Thanks, Sarah, for calling to check on me this morning!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Never a Good Sign
When you're about to put the kids to bed & you see this, it just can't mean good things are in your immediate future.
I'm currently at 18 pacifiers put back in. Fifteen of those were during just one trip into the nursery. Looks like a fun night!
I'm currently at 18 pacifiers put back in. Fifteen of those were during just one trip into the nursery. Looks like a fun night!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Big Smiles for Daddy
Jake really enjoyed watching football with his daddy yesterday. (Hook 'em Horns!) Enjoy!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Conversation With a Flower
I took this video of Mallory this morning. She was sitting in my room while I got ready & was happily "talking" to the flower on her bouncy seat. Unfortunately, she was doing it more before I pulled out the camera, but what I managed to capture is still cute. She was entranced with this flower - smiling, laughing & talking to it for quite a long time. Sweet girl!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What are you feeding that kid?
I'm sure that people have been wanting to ask me this question lately with regards to Jake...and with good reason. He gained ELEVEN OUNCES IN A WEEK! I know that both of my kids are still small for their age since they were born early, but I'm starting to wonder when their rapid growth will slow down a little bit. At this rate, I'm going to have 35-pound one-year-olds. Jake does like to eat, but he really doesn't eat that much more than Mallory as far as I know. Oh well, I guess - at least he's healthy! Here's his "fat & happy" look after he finished eating the other day.
A few other random pics:
I forgot to post this when I did their two month pictures, but I thought this one was hilarious because Jake is apparently doing his gangsta pose.
My sweet friend Jodi sent them these onesies, & I was so excited that they can finally wear them. Thanks Jodi! For some reason, Blogger wants to turn the picture sideways, but that seems fitting given the onesies they're wearing.
Dressed up for small group last night:
On our way to the moms' prayer breakfast at Anna's house this morning. I love Mallory's smile in this one. Jake was smiling until I raised the camera to take the shot, & then he got distracted. Both yesterday & today, when I put Mallory's bow on her, she flashed me the sweetest grin. I guess she likes being a girly girl. Who would have thought that, with me as her mother? :)
We had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Anna, but I was holding a baby most of the time & didn't get many pictures. As a result, Kate & Tami are the only ones who get a shout out.
A few other random pics:
I forgot to post this when I did their two month pictures, but I thought this one was hilarious because Jake is apparently doing his gangsta pose.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Got one to spare?
Does anyone have a Baby Bjorn carrier that they're not using? I would love to borrow or buy it from you if you have one. We bought one when I had a good coupon, but we never have bought the second one, & our kids are now big enough that we can use it. As I'm sure you're aware, they're a little pricey, so I just thought I would ask. Thanks!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Two Months Old!
Time really flies when you're having fun! I can't believe our sweet angels are already two months old. Here are their growth pics with Mr. Bear.
We went to our new pediatrician on Tuesday for their check-up. We had to change doctors because of our new insurance, but we really like Dr. Denison, our new doc. Jake's stats:
Mallory's stats:
Both babies are turning their heads more to the right side than the left, so they have developed flat spots on the right side of the back of their heads. Jake's forehead is also more prominent on the right side because of it, so the doctor wants them to see a physical therapist to work on exercising their left side. All of this will hopefully help us avoid having to get helmets to help shape their heads.
We are having so much fun with them, & we love them more every day. Here are a few things about them at two months old:
Tuckered out after watching the GREAT Texas-OU game on Saturday:
"Go away, please. I'm sleeping!"
Miss Priss before small group last week:
Hamming it up for the camera:
Looking cute before we left for their doctor's appointment. Obviously, I hadn't told them about the S-H-O-T yet!
Sweet smiles:

I'll end with a few videos. The first two are just of them playing & being happy last week. Too cute not to document!
This one is a little long, so I won't be offended if you don't watch it all, but there are certain grandmothers out there who enjoy these videos, even if they're not all that eventful.
- 9 lb 10 oz (6%)
- 21 1/4 inches (just below 5%)
- his head is 15 1/4 inches around (20%)
- 8 lb 15 oz (just below 5%)
- 21 1/4 inches (11 %)
- her head is 14 1/2 inches around (5 %)
We are having so much fun with them, & we love them more every day. Here are a few things about them at two months old:
- Both of them have started smiling a lot more recently, & you can tell that they're really smiling at you instead of just randomly, so that's very fun.
- They are also "talking" a lot more, so it's really not quiet at our house very often.
- We now only have to get up for one feeding during the night. They eat at 8:30 & then go to bed around 9:15, & they usually wake up to eat sometime between 2:30-3:00. After that, we don't feed them again until 8:30 am. This is sooooo much nicer than having to get up multiple times in a night!
- Jake is still often my "needy child" but I think it will just turn into him being a very social little boy. He just wants someone to interact with him.
- As I mentioned in an earlier post, Mallory is developing a spitfire temper when she's not pleased with something. It's so funny because you can definitely tell a difference in her cry when she's just annoyed at you as opposed to when she actually needs something.
- A nightly ritual for J & I is what we call the pacifier game. From the time we put them to bed to the time they fall asleep, we are constantly going back in to give them their pacifiers as they spit them out & start crying. We've only had one night without having to put any back in, & our highest counts can go upwards of 40. We keep track of how many we put in to make it fun...otherwise, it would just be depressing!
This one is a little long, so I won't be offended if you don't watch it all, but there are certain grandmothers out there who enjoy these videos, even if they're not all that eventful.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Right on Target
Our Newest Friend
Jake & Mallory have a new friend! This is Miss Callie Faith Coats. She was born yesterday, & I had so much fun going to meet her. The twins didn't get to join me because I thought it might be best to keep their germs away from this little one, but they had a great time playing with Ms. Kathy while I was gone.
JT, the proud mommy, with me & Callie:
We can't wait for our first play date!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
First Road Trip
Last weekend the twins took their first road trip to Paris, Texas, where I grew up. It's only an hour and a half drive, so they slept both there & back. We had lots of fun hanging out with family & friends. As you can see, Papa was very excited to see Mallory.
The duo wanted to show off their new Halloween onesies. Jake's is actually very appropriate, since he often demands a little more of my attention.
And even though no one ever believes me, Mallory can have quite the temper, so hers is fitting at times. Most the time, though, she's a very happy baby.
My cousin Amy & her husband Jeremy were in town for Amy's high school reunion, so they came over to see the babies. Here's Mallory hanging out with her great uncle Tim.
Jeremy really wanted Jake to wake up & play, but Jake had other ideas that involved mainly snoozing.
Amy & Mallory:
Jake also found that his great aunt Dianne's shoulder was good for snoozing.
Later that afternoon, we tried to have a little photo shoot, but we ended up with two very mad babies. After Mallory was out of the picture, Jake actually calmed down for a few minutes. This picture is funny to me because his hair looks red. It's really just blond, but the light must have been hitting it funny.
Tuckered out, chillin' with Daddy:
Saturday evening, we went to the wedding of one of my childhood friends. Luckily, it was a short ceremony, so the babies slept through it. And here's how they spent the reception:
J & I at the reception:
My brother & his family came over that night to see the twins. Brody had said that he was going to hold the babies, but he quickly changed his mind once he was there. Most of our attempts to even get him in a picture with them ended like this.
Uncle Kent & Aunt Joni weren't so shy.
This was finally the best we could do with Brody. He wouldn't even sit up on the chair, just on the ottoman.
These are from Sunday. We tried to get them to sit in a little rocking chair my mom had. Jake cooperated pretty well.
Mallory was pretty squirmy, but oh well.
Sweet girl in Nana's arms:
Thanks for a great weekend, Nana & Papa!
This was back at home Sunday night before bed. I love it when they cuddle!
On Tuesday, I thought they looked particularly cute for ladies' Bible class, so I had to take pictures. Doesn't Jake look like a big boy with those shoes?
Mallory wasn't really in a picture mood, & I didn't get one with her pretty headband & bow anyway. As I said, she has a fiery temper!
This was back at home Sunday night before bed. I love it when they cuddle!
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