Saturday, May 30, 2009


slang - a young person who behaves in a noisy and violent way in public

This is the term we use most often in our house when describing our children. We mean it in the most affectionate way, of course! And while they may not be violent in public very often, they can definitely do some damage to each other at home when no one's looking.

Here is Mallory trying to pants her brother. She did manage to expose a good bit of crack before we put their clothes back on them.
Leaving the toys in the basket so they can pull them out on their own buys you extra minutes before they become bored with them. Golden!
Jake going for the coveted microphone, which actually belongs to Mallory
Mal suggesting that he "share" with her
I still haven't gotten a video of Jake's crawling, but he's really fast now, so I'll try to post that soon. Mal seems to be on the verge of figuring the whole crawling thing out. I think she's getting tired of her brother leaving her behind.

1 comment:

Hattie said...

I love that they are so completely aware of each other now. Their sibling interactions are quite entertaining!