I have lots of blogging to catch up on, but I can probably only handle a couple topics per post, so we'll start with these. First of all, the latest belly pics. Here's 27 weeks:
And 28 weeks:
Finding something to wear that covers my belly is becoming more tricky each week, so it's a good thing I only have four more weeks of work! Justin took this next picture, which isn't really too flattering, but he wanted to capture the experience of visiting the perinatologist. We do this every four weeks. At my OB visit earlier that week, I measured 41 centimeters, which is bigger than full term for a singleton pregnancy.
Our babies are getting so big! They each weighed 2 lb 11 oz, which is a little ahead of their gestational age, so that's good. Mallory refused to cooperate & pose for the camera, so here's the back of her head. You can see her cute little ear!

She did show us her foot, so I guess that's something.

Here are their heads together. Mallory is lying across my belly with her head on my left side, & Jake has his head right around my belly button & is breech. His kicks are the reason for my many potty breaks!
Jake wanted to show off a little more than his sister, so here's a good profile of him, with his little hand up at the top.
And here's one of him looking at you. They finally look more like people than aliens. You can even see a little baby fat on those cheeks!

Saturday was my baby shower, given by my sweet friends at church. Here I am with my hostesses: Amy M, Hattie, Anna, JT, me, Miranda, Amy D, Sharon & Andrea. Tami & Sarah were also hostesses, but they've both become mommies in the last couple weeks, so they were busy with other things!

Anna has always been the queen of cute sugar cookies, but she now has a new trick. These beautiful cupcakes, each hand shaped & dipped, were absolutely delicious. She made the letters, too, as well as the stand they are displayed on.

Hattie made this cute diaper cake.
Me & my two great moms (aka Mimi & Nana).

My sister-in-law, Rachel, made this beautiful frame to hang on the nursery wall. Their picture will go in the middle, & she's going to add their birthdate once they get here. The verse written on it is so sweet & perfect for twins. Thanks Rach!

We received so many wonderful gifts. It was more than a little overwhelming, & we feel so blessed!

The nursery is continuing to come together. More pics soon!