Last weekend, Justin & I traveled to Atlanta, & Beau got to tag along for his first plane ride. Thanks to some upgrade points that Daddy had, he even got to sit in first class on the way there. What a classy boy!

Beau was a wonderful traveler & slept most of the flight there. Here he is waiting for our luggage. So helpful, isn't he?

The main reason for our trip was to attend the wedding of one of J's friends, which was Saturday night in Highlands, NC. Uncle Mark, Aunt Rachel & Belle took care of the little man while we went to the wedding with J's parents. Thank you!
We also got in some great family time while we were there, & Beau got to meet his great grandparents for the first time. Here he is with Pa:

And getting cuddles from Gigi:

As all of the kids do, he thought Pa was pretty funny!

On Sunday afternoon, we were able to attend our nephew Jackson's first birthday party. Thank you, Amy, for scheduling it so you could include us! Here's the birthday boy enjoying his cake.

Jake & Mal were having a blast at home with Nana & Papa. Thanks so much for taking care of them!
It was a fast but fun weekend!