Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Yea for Twin Friends!
Jake & Mallory have some new friends! We went to visit Meredith in the hospital last Monday & had no idea that her sweet babies would be here in just one week. Kathryn & Garrett arrived Monday, & we can't wait for our first play date. We love you, Moore family!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1 Month Old
Yesterday marked one month that we've had with our little angels. Here's Mallory at one month:
And Jake:
Loving on Mr. Bear:
We've had so much fun in this first month. Here are a few things I'd like to remember about them at this age.
Sweet kids!
Hanging out with their great grandparents. They headed home to Atlanta today. We'll miss you!
Chillin' with Daddy
Sunday was our first time back at church as a family. The babies did great & didn't make a peep the whole time. They also went with me to Ladies' Bible Class today & were great there, too! Here they are with Grandpa on Sunday before church.
The Chamblee family:
Tomorrow we'll go to small group for the first time. It feels so great to get back into some of our routines. We hope the next month is as great as this first one!
- Mallory grins in her sleep all the time.
- Jake smiles some, too, & sometimes laughs in his sleep. It sounds like he's chuckling really hard at something. Must be a good dream!
- Jake has rolled over four times, so I don't think it was just an accident the first time.
- Both of them like their bath time. The warm water seems to hypnotize them, especially Mallory.
- Whenever you lay them next to each other, they immediately try to eat the first body part they find. It's pretty funny now, but hopefully this will stop at some point!
- Mallory loves to hold my thumb while she eats. I love feeling those sweet little fingers wrap around mine.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ready to Go Public!
We went to the pediatrician today for a weight check. Dr. Halsell had told us to keep the twins at home until they were four weeks old & at least six pounds each. Today is officially four weeks, & they were both cleared to "go public" for church on Sunday. Jake now weighs 6 lb 15.5 oz, & Mallory weighs 6 lb 5 oz. She gained 18 ounces in two weeks!
In preparation for this grand debut, both babies have been working on their kung fu fighting. Here's Jake with some serious punches:
Mallory's kicks are fast as lightning:
Our other exciting news this week is that Jake rolled over on his own on Tuesday. He was having some tummy time on the play mat & worked for a long time before finally making it over. He looked so pleased with himself! Mallory is working furiously to catch up so that her brother doesn't get too many bragging rights. Of course, we didn't get his accomplishment on video, but we'll work on that.
Here's just a cute shot of Jake from a little photo session we had the other day. His sweet cooperation ended when we added his sister to the mix. Oh well!
We tried again a couple of days later to get a good shot, but Jake insisted on eating any part of Mallory he could reach, including her head, as you can see here. She didn't care too much for this game.
Here's a bit of our current reality: we purchased 552 newborn size diapers from diapers.com this week. The scary thing is that this will only last us about 25 days. J thinks the more disturbing fact is that this means that we will change 552 diapers over the next few weeks. Yikes!
My own personal accomplishment of the week: wearing both my wedding band & engagement ring for the first time in months. My fingers are still swollen from their pre-pregnancy state, but they're getting better.
Here are some recent visitor pics. Jonathan & Jill brought us a great barbecue dinner last Saturday. Thanks guys!
Aunt Debbie had to head home on Tuesday. We were sad to see her go, & I think she was definitely sad to leave these cuties. Thanks for all of your help, Aunt Debbie!
Finally, this is just a cute video of the twins playing a few days ago. They were both being so content & just talking to all of the animals on their play mat. Have a great weekend everyone!
In preparation for this grand debut, both babies have been working on their kung fu fighting. Here's Jake with some serious punches:
Here's just a cute shot of Jake from a little photo session we had the other day. His sweet cooperation ended when we added his sister to the mix. Oh well!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Who Knew?
In my short time so far as a member of the mommy club, I have certainly learned a lot! Some things aren't too surprising, even though they're new, but other facts are downright shocking. I thought I would share a few things with you. Maybe you already knew them, & I've just been living under a rock.
First of all, a few days after we got home from the hospital, Jake started having lots of eye goop in his right eye. I called the doctor's office & explained the situation to them, & the nurse informed me that a blocked tear duct was to blame. She told me to clean his eye with a damp washcloth whenever necessary and - here's the kicker - to massage breast milk into his eye. Apparently, the "magic mommy milk" helps clear the blockage & takes care of the problem. Surprisingly, it worked! Poor Jake looked pitiful with milk dripped into the corner of his eye, but at least he's not goopy anymore. Who knew?!
Justin & I have both learned a lot about the unbelievable capabilities of our twins when it comes to diaper changes. Mallory likes to poop more after you take her diaper off, especially when Daddy is changing it! She actually shot it about four feet on one occasion. What fun! Surely this sweet girl couldn't do such a thing!
Before having Jake & Mallory, I had no idea that I could function fully on very limited - and thoroughly interrupted - sleep. I have never been a night owl, & I've always needed my full night, but I've really handled the change pretty well. Justin does have some new stories about my crazy sleep habits, though. One night, when a baby started crying, I got out of bed & then turned to the monitor, leaned over, put my finger to my lips & said, "Shhh!" Justin laughed & informed me that the babies could not actually hear me.
We have a lot left to learn, but we're having a great time learning it. Here are a few pics of people who have come to visit recently.
Me & my mom (Nana) with the kiddos:
Our sweet friends are continuing to bring wonderful meals three nights a week. Here's Andrea:

And Karson & Sharon. These two sneaky friends held the babies for a long time & then somehow convinced them both to start screaming right before they were ready to leave. Thanks guys!
Justin's aunt Debbie is staying with us to help right now, which has been wonderful. Uncle David flew her here on Sunday & got to meet the babies. Jake enjoyed seeing what he'll look like in a few decades. Justin looks just like Uncle David, as well as Grandpa, & Jake is following the trend. I'm working on getting baby pictures of all of them to post soon. Here's Uncle David with Mallory:
Aunt Debbie hanging out with Jake:
I'll try to get back to posting more regularly. For some reason, my days seem to slip away from me. I can't imagine why!
First of all, a few days after we got home from the hospital, Jake started having lots of eye goop in his right eye. I called the doctor's office & explained the situation to them, & the nurse informed me that a blocked tear duct was to blame. She told me to clean his eye with a damp washcloth whenever necessary and - here's the kicker - to massage breast milk into his eye. Apparently, the "magic mommy milk" helps clear the blockage & takes care of the problem. Surprisingly, it worked! Poor Jake looked pitiful with milk dripped into the corner of his eye, but at least he's not goopy anymore. Who knew?!
We have a lot left to learn, but we're having a great time learning it. Here are a few pics of people who have come to visit recently.
Me & my mom (Nana) with the kiddos:
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